For some reason, life being life i guess. I have been asked the question "Do you have anychildren?" and of course (well i guess) that's not the crazy part. The crazy part is the response i get when i answer. It goes a little something like this:
person: "So do you have any children?"
me: "yes but they passed."
person: "so you don't have any children?"
me: i pause with this look like didn't you understand what i just said.
then sometimes i say no which i would later kick myself for but i've found another answer that i like which is
"not living"
which usually i just get a hmmmm or oh okay well nice talking to you.
It's like geesh! Just because my babies are no longer with me. I don't even care that xavien was not moving at all when she was born. DOES NOT MEAN that i don't have any children.
No they are no longer with me on this earth! No i can' t hold them in my arms. But i still send prayers to them on the wind, i still ask God to kiss them goodnight for me. They are still my children. It just hurts sometimes how people can devalue a life. I am not saying that it is done on purpose or anything like that, but! , it still hurts non the less.
I am a mother of two beautiful babies and i will always be!
Loving my Angels