I am 23wks! and In just days I will be 24! I am just so ecstatic, happy, amazed and thankful. There was a time that I'd never thought I would see this. That I would make it this far.
These past couple of weeks have been interesting. I'm feeling things that I've never felt before and it's great and sometimes scary. I am just totally over the moon. I love every little kick and jab that I feel. And even when it's uncomfortable, like when he balls up on the right side of my stomach, it makes me happy to know that he has his favorite little spot. I am so excited to meet him and I'm even more excited that the hubby is just as excited with me. To know that he count's down the weeks with me, asks about milestones, expresses how blessed he feels that we have made it this far and excited about making it farther. To hear the hopes and dreams that he has for our son just makes my day.
But I must also say that even in such a happy time, I miss my angels, I sometimes close my eyes and all I see are my last days with each of them, the labor and having to say hello and goodbye all at once. I've posted pictures of this pregnancy on fb and it's amazing how many comments and congrats I get, but when I post about my angels less than a third comment or give a kind word. But I guess I can't hold it against them, because without going through this they can't understand how one child does not replace another.
I also had a quick appointment with my ob today. I have gained 10lbs in 4wks. geesh! She didn't say anything to me about it, but I'm thinking that can't be good? I mean at 23 wks I've gained already 20lbs total this pregnancy. I'm gonna have to slow down on the snacking I guess. Or try my best to find healthier alternatives, which is hard when you're a picky ( finicky) eater like me. But I have to do something. I can't exercise like I want because of my condition, but I'm gonna do something. Also baby boy is doing well. Moving and shaking as always. And I think I will officially say , he hates the doppler, every time it goes on my belly he's kicking and moving trying to get out of dodge and as always he's never shy about showing his business on the u/s.
Well I think I will stop babbling here and just leave a couple of pics of me and the bump at 23wks:

Beautiful bump! At my last trip to my ob I also gained 10 pounds in 4 weeks! It freaked me out, but nobody fussed. I've just been trying to do better:) Congrats on how far you've come. You and your hubby have every reason to be excited. I also know how much you miss your angels. That will never go away. I am sending you love!
Looking good!!! Can't believe it's almost 24 weeks!
I hear ya about how people are hesitant to comment on angel babies. But as long as you have them in your heart, then that's all that
mnatters. Us baby loss mama's know they matter & they will always be part of us. Praying for a continued uneventful 16 weeks!
You are glowing and I love your belly shots.
I am so happy that you are so far along and that all is going as planned. ((HUGS))
Hi Sweet friend !
I am so exited for you too !!!
So happy you are getting close to 24 weeks now !!!
Your angels will always be a part of you , you delivered them and met them and they will always have a place in your heart ,thats natural for all of us that lost a baby but unfortunatley it makes other people uncomfortable as they dont know how to handle it and they just choose not to talk about it .
You look wonderful and dont worry about the weight too much even if its good that you do healthy snacks as its better for the baby too .
But the weight you put on you will loose soon again if you plan to breastfeed .
I put on almost 40 pounds ( 20 kg) during my pregnancy but now 7 weeks later I have lost 15 kg = 30 pounds and I havent yet started to do any training as you are supposed to wait 6-8 weeks before you start training so I am very hopeful I will soon be back to my normal weight and I am sure you wont have a problem with that either .
Sending you and little baby boy lots of love - Angie
Hello Sweetest Friend!
Yea for hitting this milestone! I'm right there with you and your hubby in celebrating our little man :)
I know what you mean about feeling all those different things and your body changing. Every time I felt something new it sent me over the edge with worry, but I would talk it out with my Dr and she would ease my fears....well, for a minute ;) And the doppler was my life saver! Lleyton didn't like being "doppler'ed" and he would start moving and grooving until I put it away!
As for your FB friends not commenting on your angels....its as you say, they haven't walked this path, therefore they don't know what to say and thus say nothing. And that hurts our feelings. Which makes me even more grateful for this wonderful community of women who are so empathetic and understanding.
Okay, as for the whole weight thing, you will want to find some healthy alternatives that are satisfying. Trust me, you don't want to have to shed any more weight that you have to once he arrives ;) But, all in all, celebrate this growing boy! And I learned something, for those of us who were in good shape to start, had muscle mass (like you)its harder to shed the weight quickly, as the body thinks it needs the weight. That's a little tid bit from a trainer, but everyone is different....just feed that baby!
Much love and continued prayers always
What a great milestone for you!
Beautiful bump! Thinking of you and baby often and so excited to see 23 weeks!
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