Short story , Long Vent.
Story: Around the end of March my sister and my niece came to stay with me so that my sister could finish school. Well she found out last month that she is pregnant. yep pregnant.
Vent: At first upon hearing the news I was okay. I don't think i fully realized what it meant for me. All I knew, all that I still know is that I want to help her so she can have a better future, a life for her and her kids, so that she can make something of herself, so that she doesn't feel like a she's a failure or doing what "everyone" told her she would do. But in knowing that I wanted to help her, I didn't take time out (at that moment) to really think about what this would do/is doing to me. For some reason I thought "hey my SIL is pg and I'm doing fine with that, but I didn't think about the fact that I'm not around her too often. But the fact is , my sister lives with me. I have to see her everyday now, I have hear about how tired she is, how sick she is and of course I'm gonna have to see that growing belly at least for 3 and a half more months. I'm beginning to think that I may not be able to handle this and I don't know what to do about it. I feel so bad for thinking about me, but I feel bad for not thinking about me. It seems that I'm the only one thinking about me. Well hubby is too, he asked me how I felt when i told him the news and I told him I didn't know. and at the time that was true because I truly didn't know. I was a mixed ball of emotions, but at the center of it I knew that I still wanted to be there for her and help her. And at the core of it I do. I just don't want to feel the way I'm beginning to feel. I'm starting to wish i would have told her when I heard the news that she will have to go back home and let my mom help her. But that's not what I want. I want her to rise above all the mean things people have told her, but now I'm at a cross roads on what to do. I mean I know I know I know in my soul that God has great things in store for me, that he will grant me the desires of my heart, that I don't have to be sad about this because my blessings are coming I know they are . without a doubt I know they are. It's just now, in this moment, I just wish............................
16 years today
4 days ago
Oh, sweet Shandrea! I bet you never expected your good intentions to get you in such a mess. It must be so hard. At least with others you can avoid them when needed. I will pray for you sweet friend. Sending hugs!
That is such a hard one! I said that when I found out all my friends were pg, I was so glad I wasn't at home anymore to have to live through that constantly. If she is only with you for about 3 more months, maybe she won't really be showing, and you can ask her to be sensitive to you in her comments. Though it would definitely cross my mind to send her home too. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this and wish I could fix it, but knowing that you need to put you first is really important right now, so pray hard and I will be too!!! Sending you lots of love!!
This is a very hard one to swallow. I don't know if I could do it yet I know you are very happy for your sister. I will pray for you.
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